This is my attempt at keeping a garden journal. I never seem to keep up with journals (or blogs) for that matter, but everywhere I read the experts say I should keep one. This is my second square foot garden. Last year, we started in the middle of the summer and had the harvest go into fall. This year, we are starting much earlier. Our little 4x4 square of adventure as I like to think of it.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

In the Ground: Round 1

Today the seeds for carrots, radish, turnip, spinach, lettuce, and potatoes all went into the ground. I get nervous that one seed is not enough or not going to work, so I always put a few in the little hole (I'll thin the others out if I have too later)

  • Four Yukon Gold Potatoes
  • 12 Danvers Half Long Carrots
  • 12 Nantes Scarlet Half Long Carrots
  • 12 French Breakfast Radish
  • 9 Purple top white globe turnip
  • 2 Bloomsdale long standing spinach
  • 4 bibb lettuce
Aside from the lettuce, I have not grown or had success growing any of these.... YET! Now that I live in the house with the garden in the backyard and not just visiting on the weekend, I'll have a better chance of keeping up with it. A little warm water and a whole lot of sunshine and I'm hoping for a good salad this summer.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Time to Plant

Hopefully all this looming cold weather and snow warnings will not affect my garden from producing. Today I added a bag of manure to the garden box, mixed it with the top soil and water to create a nice environment for new seeds. I am trying more from seeds this year than purchasing seedlings at Lowes or some other garden center. It always amazes me how something grows from a tiny seed.

This year I am starting Black Cherry Tomatoes, Sweet Bell Peppers, and Black Beauty Eggplant inside. I put the seeds in peat pots with seed starter and wrapped them in plastic bags. We keep the house on the chilly side but I'm hoping they will do okay to transplant later.